Rabu, 30 November 2011

Ilusi Optik

Gals, have you ever heard about optical illusion ? Untuk yang gak tau, kali ini aku nge-share 'bout that.. Well,, Ilusi optik itu terjadi karena kesalahpahaman penangkapan pada mata kitaa.. Contohnya liat gambar aja yaa..

 ( truknya hancur bangeet )

( ouch, kasian banget orangnya jatuh ke lobang )
( nyadar gak sih ada cewek duduk di atas tulisan,,  hihi )

( catching cloud gitu loo )
In short, weirdo banget ya guys gambar-gambarnya.. masih banyak sih yang laiin, gugling aja yaa... :B


Well, today i'll share to you 'bout phobia. Are you familiar with this word ? Yes, i guess. But, i think you don't know exactly what is this, right ? So, here it goes....

Fobia adalah rasa ketakutan yang amat sangat terhadap sesuatu, baik itu benda, kenangan masa lalu, binatang, etc. Bagi sebagian orang, rasa takut ini dijadikan terlalu berlebihan atau 4laY..wkwk sehingga, orang yang memiliki fobia sangat sulit untuk dipahami.

In normal condition everyone has an ability to control his/her fear. But, bila seseorang terus menanggapinya dengan berlebihan, itu akan mengakibatkan mental orang tersebut menjadi terkunci. Orang yang mengalami hal tersebut akan memiliki kesulitan emosi. Well, kecemasan yang tidak diatasi seawal mungkin berpotensi menimbulkan emosi yang negatif yang berkelanjutan. So guys, if you have a fear with something, just think that it's just your imagination, and relax.

There are some names 'bout phobia :
  • afrophobia — ketakutan akan orang Afrika atau budaya Afrika.
  • agoraphobia - takut pada lapangan
  • antlophobia — takut akan banjir.
  • bibliophobia - takut pada buku
  • caucasophobia — ketakutan akan orang dari ras kaukasus.
  • cenophobia — takut akan ruangan yang kosong.
  • claustrophobia - takut akan naik lift.
  • dendrophobia - takut pada pohon
  • ecclesiophobia - takut pada gereja
  • felinophobia - takut akan kucing
  • genuphobia - takut akan lutut
  • hydrophobia — ketakutan akan air.
  • hyperphobia - takut akan ketinggian
  • iatrophobia - takut akan dokter
  • japanophobia - ketakutan akan orang jepang
  • lygopobia - ketakutan akan kegelapan
  • necrophobia - takut akan kematian
  • panophobia - takut akan segalanya
  • photophobia — ketakutan akan cahaya.
  • ranidaphobia - takut pada katak
  • schlionophobia - takut pada sekolah
  • uranophobia - ketakutan akan surga
  • venustraphobia - takut pada perempuan yang cantik
  • xanthophobia - ketakutan pada warna kuning
  • arachnophobia - ketakutan pada laba-laba
  • lachanophobia - ketakutan pada sayur-sayuran

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Fortune Cookies

Hey hey, pernah denger fortune cookies gak sih ?
hm, dari namanya aja kita udah tau kalau ini kue keberuntungan. Apa sih keunikan kue ini, sampai bisa terkenal banget ? Well,, here it goes,,

Kue keberuntungan ini, ternyata adalah sebuah kue renyah yang berisi sepotong kertas yang berisi petuah, ramalan or angka keberuntungan.weirdo rite ?

Fortune cookies ini ternyata diakui oleh dua kota loo sebagai tempat pertama kalinya kue ini dibuat, LA and San Fransisco. Sempat terjadi perselisihan juga sih, that's why sampai sekarang belum ada keputusan kota mana yang dinobatkan sebagai tempat kue ini dibuat pertama kali.

Eh eh, ada cerita unik lo tentang kue ini. Jadi,waktu itu di USA sekitar enam tahun yang lalu, penarikan lotre powerball mengahsilkan 110 pemenang kedua (?!) how come guys,,,?? Semuanya memilih lima nomer dengan tepaat. Jumlah hadiah keseluruhannya $19,4 juta. so unbelievable ! 89 tiket menang $100.000, tapi 21 tiket lainnya menang $500.000 karena adanya pilihan penggandaan dalam Power Play. Tetapi, para pejabat Powerball mulanya menduga ada kecurangan, namun ternyata semua pemenang menggunakan nomor yang didapat dari fortune cookies yang mereka makan yang dibuat oleh Wonton Food Inc., sebuah pabrik kue keberuntungan di  New York. Selidik punya selidiiikk,, eehh rupanya kombinasi nomor yang dicetak dalam kue keberuntungan itu digunakan kembali dalam ribuan kue setiap harinya. Kelima nomor yang menang itu adalah 22, 28, 32, 33, dan 39. Nomor keenam dalam kue itu, 40, tidak cocok dengan nomor powerball, 42.

So, wat do u think 'bout it ? Wanna try ?
Share ur opinion by leave a comment..!! :B

Kamis, 17 November 2011

The City of Dahlia

Bukittinggi is a resort town also known as The City of Dahlia. This small town with a population of approximately 100,000 people. The town is located in West Sumatra is surrounded by three volcanoes is Mount Singgalang, Mount Merapi and Mount Sago. Bukittinggi famous Clock Tower which has an area of ​​approximately 25.24 km ².
If it is from Jakarta, you have to get on a plane destination to Padang. After arriving in Padang, you also have to get on a vehicle about 2 hours.
            Bukittinggi never colonized by the two major countries in the period, namely the Netherlands and Japan. Therefore, in the city of Bukittinggi there are many historical buildings that still exist today. Examples Fort De Kock, Japanese hole, Clock Tower, etc..
            In the reign of the Netherlands, Bukittinggi is used as a place of government officers who are its colonies in the region. Also, at this time renamed Bukittinggi Taddsgemente Fort de Kock. Meanwhile, during the reign of Japan, Bukittinggi is used as the central military government for the region of Sumatra, and even Singapore and Thailand. Again renamed Bukittinggi, Bukittinggi The Yaku be Sho. Bukittinggi also founded the largest radio transmitter to the island of Sumatra in order to raise the spirit of the people to support the interests of the Greater East Asia War the Japanese version.
            During the independence struggle of Indonesia, Bukitinggi role as the city struggles. From December 1948 until June 1949, Bukittinggi was appointed as the capital of the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) after Yogyakarta fell into Dutch hands. Furthermore, once the capital of Bukittinggi Sumatra province with a governor Mr. Tengku Muhammad Hasan.

            Sianok canyon valley is one of the main attractions. Panorama Park is located in the town of Bukittinggi allow tourists to see the beautiful scenery Sianok canyon. Inside the park there is also a cave Panorama hideaway former Japanese soldiers during World War II is referred to as 'Japanese hole'.
            In the Bundo Kanduang’s park there is a replica of Rumah Gadang which serves as a museum of Minangkabau culture, the zoo and castle Fort de Kock is connected by a pedestrian bridge called the Bridge Limpapeh.
Besides having the potential attractions, cool air of this city is one of the main objectives in the field of trade on the island of Sumatra. Bukittinggi has long been known as convection sales center Pasa Aua Kuniang.
Pasa Ateh are adjacent to the Jam Gadang which is the center of the city. At the top is always crowded market there are many sellers of embroidery crafts and snacks, souvenirs typical of West Sumatra.

Bukittinggi also has several places to exercise. As Field Wirabraja, Bukik Ambacang, Bantolaweh field. Wirabraja field located in Jl.Sudirman, usually used as a marathon in the morning and afternoon by the community, while Bukik Ambacang located in Gulai Bancah used as a horse racing arena. Field Bantolaweh more widely used by students at the time of exercise, because there are some schools that are located in the vicinity Bantolaweh.
In the health sector, Bukittinggi has several hospitals. Ibnu Sina hospital (Hospital Yarsi), Achmad Mochtar Hospital (RSAM), Army Hospital (RST), Medina Hospital, a hospital that is spread throughout Bukittinggi.

Bukittinggi typical food in the form of chips made from cassava Sanjai, and Jangek Crackers (Crackers skin) made of cowhide or buffalo and Karak Kaliang, a kind typical of Bukittinggi snacks shaped like a figure 8. Bukittinggi also have other traditional foods, namely rice Kapau which can be found at Pasa Ateh.